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Лисянский Юрий Фёдорович - Voyage round the world..., Страница 13

Лисянский Юрий Фёдорович - Voyage round the world...

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istant; but the wind being light, and the weather fine, I resolved to steer to the south-east, so as to keep during the night in a depth of eighteen fathoms.


   On the 26th we had a fresh breeze from the north. At daylight the Nadejda was so far astern, that I was obliged to lie-to for her till seven o'clock; when, having brought the north point of Banca to bear north 70° west, and the second point south 20° west, we, took our course to the south-east by south. At noon our latitude was 2° 3' south, and longitude 253° 7' 30" west. The second point* bore then south 77° west, the island of Gaspar, appearing like a small lump, south 55° east. From this place we steered south-south-east, and soon perceived the rock Navire right a-head. Before we saw the island of Gaspar, I had been sailing entirely by the lead, which gave constantly sixteen fathoms, sand and shells. I was under the necessity of doing this; for the shore to the westward was so unlike what is represented by Marchand, and so much farther off, that his chart was of ho assistance to me. Point Bris6, instead of being the first after the north point, as Marchand states, proved to be the second; which excited strong doubts in my mind respecting it. At four in the afternoon we passed the island of Gaspar, and steered southeast by east, which led us near the Navire. About this time the depth of water continued from fourteen to fifteen fathoms, with bottom as before.
   The Navire is a pretty large rock, and has trees growing on different parts of it. The east point of Banca is woody, and has a ridge of high mountains nearly contiguous to it.
   As the depth of water increased from fifteen fathoms to nineteen, we kept our course to the southward, till we brought the east point of Banca to bear north 53° west, and the island of Gaspar north 19° east. We then came to an anchor in nineteen fathoms and a half, sandy bottom. At eight o'clock, having tried the current, I found its velocity to be a mile and half an hour, to the south-south-east.


   During the night the wind blew from the north, and the current flowed still to the south-south-east, but at the diminished rate of a mile and a quarter an hour; and in the morning it changed to south-east, and was only three quarters of a mile an hour. About seven o'clock we weighed.
   In passing between the Middle Island and the south-east point of Banca, I kept nearer the last, and at eleven was clear of all danger. At the Narrows we had from twenty-seven to thirty fathoms of water, over a bottom of gravel and shells; but having passed them, the depth decreased, and the ground was much finer. I was sorry I had not an opportunity this day of taking a meridian observation, as my survey of the Strait of Gaspar would then have been complete; however, we had reason to be perfectly satisfied with what we had done in other respects. In the afternoon we saw a small island, which we took for Shallow Island; but it proved to be five miles more to the westward than the situation given to that island by Marchand.
   The Strait of Gaspar is, in my opinion, less perplexing to the navigator than has generally been supposed. From the island of Totty to the island of Gaspar, he should keep in eighteen fathoms of water, with bottom of sand, and sometimes of sand with shells. The northerly or southerly winds may incommode him when lying at anchor, by producing a heavy sea: but, with all its disadvantages, it is far preferable to the Strait of Banca.
   By our chronometers, and by lunar observations taken on four successive days, from the 23d inst., we determined two principal points of the Gaspar Strait: namely, the island of Totty, which is in latitude 53' 30" south, and longitude 254° 7' west; and Gaspar Island, the latitude of which is 2° 22' 30", and longitude 252° 50' 30".


   The night of the 28th was both rainy and squally, but the weather improved in the morning. At nine o'clock the depth of water, which had never been less than from sixteen to thirteen fathoms, decreased of a sudden, and a low shore appeared to the west In consequence of this we bore eastward, and lost some hours in regaining the proper depth; yet the wind favoured us so much, that we reached the islands of the Two Brothers about six in the evening, and at eight anchored beyond them in fifteen fathoms, oozy ground. In passing the Two Brothers, we had a heavy rain, accompanied with thunder and lightning; but by keeping the depth of eleven and ten fathoms we escaped every danger. The circumstance chiefly to be guarded against is the current, which sometimes changes its course from south-east to north-east. Both islands are high and woody. In fine weather they may be seen at a distance of more than twenty miles.

March. 1st.

   On the 1st of March, at seven o'clock in the morning, we steered south-west by south, having in sight the islands of Java and Sumatra, and Middle Island. At nine North Island was perceived under the shore, and at noon we came up with it. Finding that the wind was dying away, and the current acting against us, we anchored, at two in the afternoon, in eighteen fathoms, sandy ground. North Island was then north 16° west, and the coast of Sumatra west about three miles. The Nadejda also brought-to, in twenty-four fathoms, about a quarter of a mile from us.


   On the 3d we attempted to sail; but the wind, by changing to the south, prevented us: however, the Nadejda was fortunate enough to double the Toca Point, leaving us to ourselves.


   At midnight a breeze sprang up from the north-west, and we immediately got under way; but on approaching the Toca Point, we were becalmed, and were obliged once more to anchor close to the shore, in twenty-three fathoms, rocky ground. In this situation we remained till two in the afternoon, when, with the wind at west-south-west, we preferred sailing rather than remain in so dangerous a place. Being assisted by a southeast current; we passed the Stroom Rock at three, and towards sun-set were about six miles from Middle Island; so that we 1806. were better off than could have been expected. Having a moon-light night, I resolved to keep under sail, and not to anchor, though the depth was thirty-five fathoms. Till eight o'clock in the evening the current was favourable, when it took a quite contrary direction.


   Shortly after midnight, it again became favourable; and at four o'clock in the morning, the wind shifted to the north-west. At day-light we made sail, and steered for Prince's Island, between which and the island of Java we intended to pass. While working to windward last night, I kept near the shore of Java, and did not stretch farther to the north till Middle Island bore east-north-east, supposing that shore to be better placed on the chart of Dapr6 in the East-India Pilot, than the islands of Kracatoa, Samburicoo, or Point Toca, with which our bearings, when placed together on the chart, though taken with great accuracy, never agreed. This supposition was confirmed at last by our survey, and the following places were shifted accordingly:
   North Island - to N. 50° W. 7 miles.
   Bottom ditto - to N. 15° E. 4 1/2 ditto.
   Point Toca - to N. 55° W. 6 ditto.
   Cape St. Nicholas - to N. 15 W. 4 ditto.
   The Island of Kracatoa to N. 23 W. 4 1/2 ditto.
   The islands of Samburicoo and Sabese, and the Bay of Batavia, have in like manner changed their position.
   The Stroom Rock consists of three long rocks, against which we perceived a heavy sea was breaking. Between them and the island of Sumatra one may easily work to windward with a favourable current, as the channel is nearly five miles broad. At noon we were a breast of the north point of Prince's Island; and at three o'clock approached the rocks called Carpenters. Considering the run of the ship, we expected to be soon in the ocean; but the wind died away suddenly, and we had afterwards only light westerly airs, which just enabled us to double, with difficulty, the first point of Java. At that time the Nadejda, which we had joined in the morning, was in a situation much worse than ours. At four o'clock, when five miles from the first point, we were perfectly becalmed, and were therefore obliged to tow the vessel a-head with all our boats, till the point bore north-east by north seven miles.
   During our passage through the Strait of Sunda, one of our sailors, Stephen Konopleff, died. He was seized with a diarrhoea at Canton, which reduced him so much, that he was at last a mere skeleton. Nothing was neglected to effect a cure, but every remedy failed; and when we were a-breast of the west point of Java, we committed his body to the deep.


   In the night of the 6th the ship was driving by the current towards the west point of Java, and, but for a seasonable breeze springing up from the north-east, might have been placed in a very disagreeable situation. At day-light the Nadejda was at a little distance to the west. During the time we were becalmed, she had had favourable winds, by means of which she had been able to reach us. At six in the morning we lost sight of the shore.
   In the Strait of Sunda there are only two places to which navigators need pay particular attention, winch are Middle Island and Prince's Island. In future, I should prefer passing between them and the island of Sumatra; though the passage I took between Prince's Island and Java is perfectly unexceptionable, if caution be observed on approaching the Carpenters Rocks; as, in case of calm weather, or a change of wind, the south-east current may force the vessel to the lee shore. In the middle of the Strait of Sunda a ship may work to windward in the darkest night, or come to an anchor during a calm, though not every where in a small depth of water. However, in coming from China, I would always wait for a steady breeze at North Island, where a vessel may lie quietly at anchor, and then sail through the passage. The shores of the Strait are woody and clear of rocks, except in a few places. We found the rate of the tide to be about two miles an hour; but the prevalence of strong winds may increase it. The anchorage about Prince's Island is very near to the shore. In passing it, at the distance of a mile and a quarter, we were only once able to get soundings in forty fathoms.
   In her run from Canton to the Strait of Gaapar, the ship was much assisted by the currents, which acted throughout to the south-west, at the rate of sixteen miles a day. In the Strait itself it changed to south-east and south-sonth-east, as mentioned before.- The squally and rainy weather we experienced in the night of the 7th, plainly proved that we had not yet arrived in the tract of the trade-winds.


   On the 8th, at five in the afternoon, Christmas Island was seen south 39° east. We took bearings, and found that, from our observation at noon, its latitude was 10° 17' 30" south, and longitude 253° 57' 50" west. At sun-set the weather was still squally; and the night proved so dark, that we could hardly see one another on deck. At midnight it cleared up a little; but as the wind then died away, and the ship was driven towards the shore, I was obliged to bend two of my cables to the bower-anchors, which were already stowed in the hold.


   At day-light, Christmas Island was north-east fifteen miles; and, as the weather was fair, we did not lose sight of it till night. During this day we saw none of the water-snakes which had amused us so often in the Chinese seas. These snakes greatly resembled those which I had formerly seen on the coast of Coromandel.


   On the 11th we had a light breeze from the south-east quarter, and fine weather. , At noon our latitude was 11° 33' south, and our longitude 256° 54' west. Supposing myself now to be in the trade-winds, I spent the whole of the day with captain Krusenstern, who informed me, that the Nadejda would certainly have been driven on shore at Cape Friar, if a northerly breeze had not fortunately sprung up, which extricated her from a very perilous situation. This confirms my idea, that a steady wind is necessary to a safe passage through the Strait of Sunda.


   On the 22d we had a strong wind at south-east by south, and thick rainy weather. At noon we found ourselves in 19° 14' south, and in 278° 36' west. From the 11th to this day, the weather had been uniformly wet and disagreeable, which I conceive to be the reason of our not having seen, since we quitted the Strait of Sunda, either birds or fish.

April. 1st.

   On the 1st of April we had a light breeze; but the weather, which had been tolerably fine for the last five days, became again both squally and rainy. We this day left the south-east trade, and came into the tract of variable winds.


   At day-light on the 12th, we were surrounded by different sorts of butterflies, which I suppose to have been blown off from the coast of Africa, though it was then 2° 40' from us. By the lunar observations of yesterday, finding that our chronometers were much to the eastward of the true longitude, I added to them 2' 27", intending to keep their former rate of going till we should see the shore.


   On the 15th we had fresh breezes at south-east, and foggy weather. In the night we had lost sight of the Nadejda. Though I fired guns and burned blue lights, it was to no purpose: when day-light came, we found that we were left alone. I spent some time in endeavouring to find my companion; but a fog coming on towards noon, I relinquished the pursuit The wind, besides, was fair; a circumstance that was not to be neglected, in a place where the loss of a few hours might occasion serious difficulties. Thus for the third time were we involuntarily separated from our friends.
   Having formerly spent two years at the Cape of Good Hope, I was pretty well acquainted with its Bank, and concluded that to run alongside of it was preferable to passing it m the middle, or nearer the shore. I therefore shaped my course between the latitudes of 36° and 37°. Though this way was the farthest route, we gained by it, on account of the strong favourable currents that prevail there. As, during the last twenty-four hours, we had finished our circumnavigation from the meridian of Cronstadt, I added a day to- our reckoning, which we had lost by our westerly course; and the 16th of April was accordingly called the 17th.


   On the 18th we had light airs from the south-east quarter, and fine weather. At eight o'clock in the morning we had soundings in a hundred-and-ten fathoms, fine yellow sand and broken shells. At noon our latitude was 36° 18' south, and longitude 338° 37' west. In the course of the morning we saw a great many gulls, and the water had very perceptibly changed its colour. At five in the afternoon we had ninety fathoms, fine yellow sand; and at seven passed a rippling, which proceeded no doubt from the action of contrary currents on the surface of the water. This contrariety, giving quicker motion to the luminous animalcules, produced a fiery appearance in the sea, that, from the darkness of the evening, had a beautiful effect.


   On the 20th we reached the latitude of 35° 31' south, and the longitude 341° west. The wind blew fresh from the south-east, and we continued steering north-west with all sails set. During the day some shags were seen.


   On the 24th, we had to congratulate ourselves, not only with having passed the southern promontory of Africa, but with having at length reached again the south-east trade-winds. On examining our stock of provisions and water, I found that we had still enough of both far three months; and as my people were all in good health and spirits, I resolved not to call at the island of St. Helena, as had been proposed, but to proceed straight to England. My only regret, as to this proceeding, was, that I should of necessity be separated from the Nadejda, who intended touching at the Cape, and should not see her again till our arrival in Russia.
   As, in the course of this run, few events occurred worthy of being recorded, I shall be brief in my account of it.

May. l8th.

   On the 1st of May we passed the meridian of Greenwich, and May on the 11th, in the morning, found ourselves on the equator, with a light breeze from the south-east, and agreeable weather. At noon we observed, in latitude S7' north, and longitude 16° 48' west. I crossed the line in this longitude, in order that I might be enabled to get a stock of fresh-water for our washing and brewing; knowing that the rains are more prevalent there than farther to the westward. I also wished to keep near the Cape de Verd Islands. From the first of this month, the weather was beautiful, and the trade-wind blew fresh. We were daily surrounded by a great quantity of birds and fish, and every thing seemed to give fair hope of our speedy arrival in Europe.


   On the 12th our longitude, by the lunar observations, was 18° 31' west; which proved, that from the Strait of Sunda to the line, the vessel had been pushed by the current 1° 23' to the north, and 12° 16' to the west. On leaving the west point of Java, the current had acted for the first few days to the south-east. It then changed to the north-west, and occasionally to the southwest; so that in the latitude of 33°, and longitude of 329°, the ship was 4° 42' to the west. From this place, the direction of the current was to the south-west as far as the Cape of Good Hope, pushing us 46' to the south and 3° 6' to the west. At last it turned to the north-west, and continued so as far as the equator, where we found ourselves again 2° 9' to the north, and 4° 27' to the west. {Captain Krusenstern, in the narrative of his voyage, says, that from the Strait of Sunda to the Cape of Good Hope, he found the currents chiefly to the east, the southeast, and the north-east; and that from thence to the island of St Helena and the equator, it was constantly to the east with him. This differs greatly from my observations on the motion of the sea. Respecting the first point, that is, from the island of Java to the time of our separation, the difference must arise from the difference of our reckonings; and respecting the second point, from the Cape of Good Hope to the line, it may probably be owing to my having kept nearer the coast of Africa, though I passed the equator only five and a half degrees more to the east than the Nadejda.}


   On the 16th we were in 6° 48' north, and 21° 5' west. At day-light the wind was favourable; and the weather, which had not been fair since our entering the northern hemisphere, became very fine. This change was extremely acceptable, after the rains and squalls we had encountered, especially in the night of the 13th, when the gusts were so heavy, that, during the lightning, which broke continually over our heads with tremendous violence, the sea, as if on fire, resembled the boiling-ovet of a volcano. Notwithstanding this, we contrived to fill thirty casks with excellent water, and to get clear of a situation in which mariners are sometimes obliged to remain for weeks together.

June. 9th.

   The north-east trade continued with us till the 31st of May, when we reached the latitude of 28°. It commenced from the north, inclining by degrees to the east, and favoured us greatly. From the above-mentioned, parallel we had light airs for four days, and then a north-west wind, by the assistance of which we made the Western Islands. On the 9th, at nine in the morning, the islands of Corvo and Fleury appeared to the south-east by south, thirty-five miles distant. I now took twelve lunar distances, by which the longitude of the south point of the first was calculated at 31° 6'. At noon our latitude, by observation, was 40° 13' north, and the south point of the island of Corva bore south 27° east, thirty-five miles. During the day we were informed by an English privateer, of our country being at war with France. Although we had papers from the French government, ordering all its subjects not only to respect our ships, even in case of such an event, but to afford us every assistance that might be wanted; I thought proper to be prepared for all occasions, yet intended carefully to avoid falling in with any vessels of the enemy.
   In crossing the equator we had a pretty strong westerly current; but it soon changed to the south-east, and so continued till we reached 9° north. It then took a direction to the southwest, and occasionally to the north-west, pushing us on as far as the tropic, at the rate of fifteen miles a day. From the tropic, till we had variable winds, it was constantly to the south-west, when it returned again to the south-east, and kept to that point till we made the Western Islands, where we found that, from the line we had been borne by currents, altogether, thirty miles to the south and 3° to the west.
   Between the parallels of 31° and S6?° north, we passed continually a quantity of sea-weeds, which appeared like large floating islands. These weeds were full of small fish and crate, of which we caught a great number, chiefly from curiosity.


   On the 84th, we found ourselves, by observation, in latitude 48° 23' north, and longitude 9° 40' west; and at night had soundings in ninety fathoms, fine gray sand with shells. Since our departure from the Western Islands, we had seen many armed vessels; but one only, a lugger, came up to us, the commander of which, Mr. Wilkinson, kindly sent me some newspapers and a quantity of potatoes; presents that were very acceptable.


   We were chased, during the whole of the 25th, by a large ship; and at night, though it was extremely dark, and a strong gale blew from the south-west, we were obliged to carry all possible sail to escape, which was the more difficult, as we had to sound pretty often.


   About noon, on the 26th, the weather cleared up sufficiently to allow us an observation in 49° 48' north: the depth of water being forty-two fathoms, sand and shells. Concluding from this, that we had passed the Lizard Point, I steered for the Start. Towards evening the weather became hazy. This was extremely vexatious, as we had seen no land since our entrance into the Channel. However, a Jersey passage-boat came up to us and brought us a pilot, who took fifty guineas for carrying the ship into Portsmouth.


   With an easterly wind we brought to anchor at Portsmouth on the 28th, about nine o'clock in the afternoon. We thus finished our long and troublesome voyage from Canton, without touching at any port; my people enjoying good health, and an abundance of every thing, during the whole passage.


   In the morning I paid my respects to sir John Prevost, governor of the town, who received me with great politeness, offering me, at the same time, every assistance in his power, of which I might stand in need. The fatigues of the voyage and the repairs necessary for the ship, required our remaining at Portsmouth for a week at least; which time, as my presence was not necessary, I chiefly spent in London.

July. 13th.

   On the 13th of July we weighed, with a fresh westerly breeze.


   On the 14th, the wind blew so strong from the east, that we were obliged to anchor in the Downs, where we found lord Keith's squadron; and the next day we again set sail.


   On the 20th, at day-light, we saw the Naze; and towards sunset the Robersnout appeared, which, however, we could not see distinctly, on account of the haziness of the weather.


   On the 21st we reached the Skaw Light. This day one of our sailors, Jhon Gorboonoff, died. During the last Swedish war he had been wounded in the breast, and on the passage home had often complained of acute pains in that part of the body.


   On the 23d, at midnight, we anchored at Helsinher, and remained there till ten o'clock in the morning.


   On the 24th we cleared the Sound. As the wind blew from the east we were obliged to work to windward under all sail.

26th. August. 3d.

   On the 26th, having passed the island of Bornholm, we had foggy weather, which continued till the 3d of August, when we reached the island of Dago. The weather now became fine, and the wind so fair, that towards evening we came up with the island of Hogland.


   On the 4th of August, at midnight, we had so strong a westerly breeze, that we went at the rate of eleven miles an hour, with hardly any sails set, and in the morning cast anchor at Cronstadt.
   On our arrival, we were received by the commander-in-chief, admiral Hanicoff, and all the officers then in port, with the most ardent congratulations. As soon as the news of our return reached Petersburgh, persons of all ranks hastened to Cronstadt for the purpose of seeing us. I ordered the ship to be kept at all times ready, and that every possible attention should be paid to the visitors. But so constant was the succession of new comers, so abundant their compliments, and so insatiable their desire of learning the particulars of our voyage, that for several days I was nearly exhausted by fatigue, and could scarcely find time for the necessary meals, or for sleep.
   When the vessel was secured within the mole, the emperor honoured us by a visit in person, and expressed himself highly satisfied with the appearance both of the ship and of the crew; observing, as to the crew, that they even looked better than at their departure from Russia. This was indeed the fact; for there was not an individual on board either sick or diseased; and the feelings naturally arising from the prosperous termination of the voyage, gave to every one an animation, which added greatly to his general clean and healthy look. As to the Neva itself, I shall be excused, if, with the warmth of a sailor I declare, that there never sailed a more lovely vessel, or one more complete and perfect in all its parts. So little had it suffered from the length of the voyage, and even from the disaster of striking on the coral rocks at our new-discovered island, that in a few weeks it was again ready for sea, and was dispatched to the north-west coast of America.
   Among the refreshments presented to his imperial majesty while on board, was some Russian salt beef, which had stood the test of the whole voyage, and was still more juicy and less salt than the Irish beef which I had lately purchased at Falmouth. His majesty quitted us with the most gratifying expressions of approbation, and flattered us with the promise of a visit from the empress-mother.
   The visit of the emperor had been unexpected, and things were nearly in their usual state; but for the honour now intended us, we were better prepared. I had not permitted a single sixpence to be drawn by any one of the sailors, till our arrival at Canton, where six months pay was allowed to each, to purchase a complete suit of clothes, and to lay out the remainder in adventures. Oar illustrious visitor was accordingly received by them in this their best attire, and their appearance greatly surprised her majesty, who, with the most gracious condescension, addressed a few words of kindness and congratulation to every individual on board. She was then conducted through die different parts of the ship, and was pleased to declare herself much gratified and entertained with all that was pointed out to her notice. On retiring, she presented me with a costly diamond ring, and afterwards sent to each of the officers a gold snuff-box or a watch, and to each of the crew ten ducats.
   It now only remains to mention the permanent honours and rewards which were bestowed, by imperial munificence, upon the several individuals who had thus accomplished the voyage. As commander, I was promoted to the rank of post-captain in the navy. I had also the honour of being knighted with the order of St. Vladimer of the third class; and, besides different valuable presents from the imperial family, received an annual pension of three thousand rubles. In like manner, all my officers were promoted to the rank next to that which they before held in the service, with pensions from a thousand to five hundred rubles each: and lastly, the petty officers and sailors were allowed, if they pleased, to retire from the service, and enjoy their liberty for life, exclusive of pensions from seventy-five to fifty rubles. This may indeed be considered as the greatest of all rewards, on those on whom it was bestowed, and was truly our emperor's own gracious act. It will be hailed by every grateful heart, as one amongst the many instanced of that paternal care, which leads him to regard the happiness and consult the comforts of the lowest of his subjects. His majesty was pleased to declare, that those who, by their ready obedience to orders, and steady perseverance in good conduct, had so materially contributed to add new honours to the Russian flag, deserved to be gratified in the point in which every man places his chief happiness, the enjoyment of ease in the bosom of his family. To every individual was also presented a silver medal, which he is entitled to wear on the breast: it is of an octagon form, impressed with the bust of the emperor Alexander I, on one side, and on the reverse with the ship under full sail, encircled with the inscription, "For the Voyage round the World in 1803, 4, 5, and 6." These tokens of honour will no doubt excite many to emulation, who would otherwise never have entertained a thought of the naval service; and, when the present wearers shall have completed their voyage of life, they will be valued by their posterity as interesting memorials of their fathers, who first carried the flag of Russia round the globe.
   I cannot finish this narrative, without expressing my warmest acknowledgment to my ship's company for the present they have made me of a gold sword, with an inscription of thanks on the handle of it. This sword shall always remain in my family, as a testimony of the character of the people I had the honour of commanding in this memorable expedition.







   Afterwards - Mamoohé
   Angry - Matatooma
   Angry, do not be - Hakay, hakay, or Eboo-eboo
   Away, go - A-dedahatahatoo
   Axe, of iron - Toké tooé
   Axe, of stone - Toké maooé
   Bad, that is - Ao midaggé
   Be, it will - Ena ebo
   Bird, a land - Teté
   Bottle - Hooiaki
   Boy - Boiti
   Brave - Toa
   Bread-fruit - Mey
   Brother - Toonané
   Burying-ground - Meray
   Buttons, or Playthings - Pipi
   Buy, to - Ehogo
   Canoe, or Boat - Evaka
   Catch and bring him here - Ate hooté my
   Chief, a - Eiki
   Cloth, made of bark - Ekagoo
   Club, for war - Eoo
   Cock - Moa vahana
   Cocoa-nut - Ehi
   Come, do not, here - Ovita my-iné
   Day - Boha mahé
   Day, to - Kabo
   Do, how do you? - Atika
   Door, the - Pohoo
   Dull - Vivio
   Ears - Pooann
   Earth - Ebo
   Eat, will you? - A-ky maooté ky
   Enemy - Eheama
   Enemy, do you eat your? Gigoi nada?
   European - Heytoo, or Eytoo
   Eye - Gigo mata
   Farewell - Eba
   Father, or Uncle - Matooa
   Fingers - Eima
   Fish - Eeka
   Follow me - Amytato
   Foreign - Monahi
   Friend - Ehoa
   Girl - Pahoé
   Give me - Atoomy
   Go and bring it here - Adaha kahé mya
   Go to the devil - Tororoo
   God - Heytoo, or Eytoo
   Grandfather - Eta boona
   Grandson - Moboona
   Grass - Totouha
   Gun - Pooi
   Gun, do not touch that, it will kill you - Ovhé maoohé
   Hair - Ovoho
   Hand - Eema
   He - Oyana
   Head - Ehobogoo
   Heart - Hoboo
   Hen - Moa vaheenee
   Hog - Booaga
   House - Ehy
   Hungry, I am - Mate de oggé
   I. J.
   I - Ooaoo
   Joyful - Enavé
   Iron - Toké
   Iron, a small piece of - Toké
   Iron, I will give you some - Toogo ato toké ya-a-o-e
   Island - Motoo
   Kill - Maté
   Knife - Goggi, or Gooa
   Lips - Kinootoo
   Liver - E-até
   Lobsters or Crabs, three sorts:
   1. - Kyitaké
   2. - Poto
   3. - Toe toe
   Man - Enata
   Mat - Moin
   Month - Ete mahama
   Moon - Maheena
   Morrow, to - Oy-oé
   Mother, or Aunt - Ekooi
   Nail - Poohi-poohi
   Neck - Katé ehi
   Nose - Eishoo
   Nostrils - Ebohama eishoo
   Oar - Hoi-hoi
   Plantation - Henoo
   Priest - Edaoo
   Prohibition - Taboo
   Rat - Kioré
   Red - Kahoogooyar
   Saw, a - Heeka
   Sea, or Salt water - Itaé
   She - Tahova hené
   Sister - Tooi heena
   Sit down here - Ato nohoo
   Sleep, will you, onboard? - Amoynoo devaha
   Spear - Paggeo
   Step, a - Tabooay
   Stolen, have you not, something - Hay kamo goé
   Stone thrown from a sling - Kea or Kya
   Sun - Eomate
   Take this - Akaveeatoo
   Tatooing - Teeka
   Teeth - Neehoo
   That is past - Oovayoo
   That will be - Ena ebo
   They - Ato
   Thief, he is a - Ekamoo
   Thigh - Pooha
   Thou - Koé
   Tongue, hold your - Tooi tooi
   Tree - Toomoo
   War - Etou
   Water - Vy
   Water, is there no? - Hamtivy
   We - Mato
   Well, that is - Midagge
   What do you call it? - Ehadene
   What is that? - Ea ha
   Where do you go? - Anoigé
   Where is he? - Ihé
   Where is your king or chief? - Ha kyiriké
   White or Yellow - Tava tava
   Who is that? - Ooy
   Why - Meyaha
   Wife - Evehené
   Woman - Vehené
   Work - Hanamydehana
   Wounded - Vootoo
   Year - Etahetau
   You - Taoe
   I am - Ooaoo
   Thou art - Koé enaeeshoo
   He is - Oyana
   I was - Ooaoo houné
   You were - Koé houné
   He was - Oyana houné
   She was - Tahova hené houne
   I will do it - Ehaooney
   You will do it - Atahagol
   He will do it - Tyé hanha aooné
   I have - Eia
   I had - Iua oo houné
   I will have - Eyna ateetahé
   1 - Eytahg
   2 - Eynoo
   3 - Eyto
   4 - Eyha
   5 - Eyma
   6 - Eyono
   7 - Ehitoo

Категория: Книги | Добавил: Armush (26.11.2012)
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